Sunday, October 13, 2013

4 years in a few days

"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?"

As she walked down the isle of the funeral home, Emma felt nothing. She motioned her empty heart and hardened soul through the rituals of the ceremony. People she knew walked by. People she never knew walked by. They bawled openly in front of her, shook her hands, and hugged her tight. They spoke words of commemoration and consolation. Emma was not there. She was cowering in a corner, hiding from all these hypocrites who had never lost a close relative yet dared to promise her that everything would be alright.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Why I Sleep So Much...

I keep having dreams about you
because in my dreams
you would answer me
every night, without fail

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Collection of poems from 6th and 7th grade

God's Fruits
God's fruits have the smell of heavenly air
God's fruits are the sun, the moon and the stars
Sweetness like love and wisdom are God's fruits
The fruits wear soft, silky and smooth bathrobes
You can hear the sound of joy, peace and cheer

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I'll be seeing you...

In my dream, you walked beside me
Along soft breeze and rolling sea
At sunrise, waves of sand churned free
Filling my heart with bliss and glee

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Children Learn What They Live

If a child lives with criticism,
       he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility,
       she learns to fight.

Cheesy Confession

I read your words and my heart starts to bleed.
How can I sing your song, if you are all I need.
Now that you're gone, and never look back,
My voice is lost, and my world is black.

...And the greatest of these...

Love is not cantankerous, nor aloofness
It is not easily provoked nor angered
Love is not pugnacious, nor stubbornness
It is not self-seeking, nor self-centered

The Light meets The Night

The Child of Darkness
The Child of The Night
Searching though Darkness
Searching through The Night

Hunting for Brightness
Hunting for The Light
Reaching for Brightness
Reaching for The Light