Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Vicious Cycle

Things come and go, that's the way it is! However, when you catch the golden opportunity of your life, don't let it go -- it might never come back, no matter what you do. This is a lesson you will learn over and over again. Yet, what if that thing you lost was your loved one? What would you do then? Would you respond like Aiko did?
          Aiko Loveless had been unloved most of his life. He lived in a harsh community where the neighbors weren't friendly, and mostly not toward him. You see, Aiko was different from those around him. He was shy and very quiet. Hardly anyone knew anything about him, not even his parents. In a place filled with noisy people, always pushy and bossing each other, it’s hard to survive if you're not social. To make matters worse, at school, Aiko was constantly rejected by his friends because his way of thinking was different. Aiko was an outcast in his community.

Poor Aiko, he just wanted to be loved for once in his life. He didn't know why he was hated so much. He thought everyone hated him because they didn't like the way he looked. Actually, everyone was envious of his angelic appearance. He was a very tall boy with sharp facial features. He had long black hair, longer than most boys. His most distinctive feature was his big black eyes -- eyes that would shine and sparkle even in the darkness of night -- so alluring, they could melt anyone's heart. He wore glasses that hid them, so it was hard to fully see the gentleness in his eyes.
Aiko was caring and compassionate toward others. He was also very mature and intelligent. He wasn't easily used. Dashing as he was, Aiko had a huge weakness. He sometimes made rash decisions that led to great problems and troubles. This weakness was the main reason he lost his golden opportunity.
Kashi Mika had been Aiko's friend for a long time. She was a very attractive girl, with silky brown hair and golden-hazelnut eyes. She grew up with family and friends who loved her and had good relationships with them. Everyone she met liked her. She was an outgoing girl, with a carefree attitude and a constant smile on her face that would brighten anyone's day. Kashi was like the sunshine, while Aiko was like the cold moonlight. They were attracted to each other, two opposites. Common, isn’t it? She loved him first, and she did everything she could to have him. He was so shocked by the way she saw through him, that he let her into his heart. They were drawn together like magnets. Their love was stronger than any objections from friends or family. It was her goal to have him -- and it was his decision to let her accomplish her goal. They seemed to complete each other, as if they were a perfect couple, but were they?
Love was strong between Kashi and Aiko. They talked about their future together. They talked about their eternal love for each other. They talked about everything and anything. Unlike most couples, their relationship wasn't peaceful; it had to be fought for. Being the beauty that she was, Kashi had a lot of boys persuing her. Most of them weren't a problem, since Kashi loved Aiko a lot, but one of them did manage to capture her attention.
It was a quiet evening. The snow had just stopped falling. Walking in that white wonderland, Aiko and Kashi were enjoying the refreshing breeze of winter. There was something about strolling in this glistening blanket of snow that gave them a warm feeling inside. They were just walking, hand-in-hand, feeling the love they had for other, when suddenly a figure crossed their path. That figure was named Ricon Ryuu. He was Kashi's friend at the time, but Aiko didn't know it. Ricon came straight up to Kashi and whispered something in her ear that made her giggle. Aiko was shocked. He couldn't do anything but stand there, frozen. In a moment, Ricon left, stopping only long enough to give Aiko a glare. Aiko felt evil in that glance.
Who was that?” Aiko stuttered in confusion.
Oh, him?” Kashi replied calmly, “That was Ricon. Remember him? We met him the other day at our club meeting?”
Actually, no, I don't remember him,” Aiko said, still stunned. “Did you know him before the meeting?”
Well, no...” Kashi hesitated for a while before she decided to continue. “He... he wanted to be my friend after we got to know each other a bit during the meeting. Why do you ask? Is something wrong?”
Yes… I mean no, I mean...” Aiko didn't know what to do. He didn't want to act too nosy or too protective of Kashi, and he didn't know whether or not to tell her about the glare he saw in her new friend’s eyes. “Well, what I'm trying to say is... Is he a good friend of yours?”
I guess Aiko, I don't know if I can call him a good friend or not, but he does seems nice. Would it bother you, if he was my good friend?” Kashi asked with an innocent look on her face.
With that, Aiko decided not to press her further on the matter. He smiled and answered, “Oh no, my dear Kashi! I don't mind. I just wanted to make sure that he wasn't a bad guy, that's all!”
Kashi hugged Aiko tightly, and told him, in that sweet-but-firm voice of hers, “It's okay, Aiko! I can take care of myself you know. If he is a bad guy, I promise you I will run straight to you, and will forget about him. Do you feel better now?”
Aiko nodded with a slight smile on his face. He didn't want Kashi to feel troubled. He decided to protect her and watch out for Ricon, no matter what. The only thing that mattered at the moment was the girl looking at him so tenderly, with her eyes dancing in the starlight. Aiko smiled and kissed Kashi softly. He reassured himself that their love was stronger than any enemy. At that moment they still believed that together they could survive all the problems in their relationship, but could their love survive the coming trial?
After the fateful meeting, and with Ricon vanished from Aiko's mind, he received a message from Ricon filled with words of anger, threatening Aiko to get away from Kashi. It wasn't a long message, but it was powerful enough to knock Aiko off his chair. Hearing the crash from Aiko’s room, Kashi ran inside, her face filled with worry over his expression. It took awhile for Kashi to calm him down. He decided not to tell her about what happened, but she found the email. She was furious. She went to meet Ricon face-to-face.
Ricon, explain that email you sent Aiko!” Kashi yelled at him the second she saw him.
Um...well, you see, that was only a joke,” Ricon answered in panic.
A joke? Are you kidding me? That message was full of hatred and threats that had to do with me! How was that a joke?” Kashi continued to stand up for her beloved.
Well, that's how guys joke with each other, Kashi! We play cruel tricks on each other, get mad at each other for awhile, but then we’re friends again.” Ricon continued his lie. “Aiko and I were only building our friendship. We don't mind those evil jokes we play on each other. It's just funny for us guys, really!”
Kashi calmed herself and decided to believe what he said. She didn't want to lose her cool again. She tried to snap back, “Oh, I see! Well, next time don't involve me in your jokes. Understood? That's really not funny to me!”
Ricon just laughed and chuckled as Kashi stomped back to the car. Ricon was proud of how he saved himself from ruining his own plan. Oh, what plan? You'll know soon enough.
A few weeks had passed, and things were starting to get tense between Aiko and Kashi. You see, Ricon had been spending time with KashiAiko was not invited, and spent a great deal of time home alone. Aiko could have stopped Kashi from being with Ricon, but he didn't want to hurt her feelings, as he noticed their friendship was growing.
It was the start of a new year now. Spring was painted with the fragrance of flowers, and the colors of the birds flying back from their winter havens. The bird’s love songs and the whispering winds filled the air with excitement. Tonight the moon was big, and the atmosphere was perfect for a date. Everything looked wonderful and Aiko was filled with hope and anticipation. He could hardly wait to see Kashi and be with her.

Meanwhile, Ricon had already managed to take Kashi out for dinner. Poor Aiko, his hopes were dashed, another meal alone. Perhaps not so lonely as one of Aiko’s friend decided to join him for dinner unexpectedly. She was that dear person who matched Kashi with Aiko so she knew everything that was happening in their relationship. Coincidentally, this friend of Aiko was tricked by Ricon before, so she knew how dangerous Ricon was. She warned Aiko about Ricon's real intentions of being with KashiAiko was aware that Ricon wanted to steal Kashi away from him too, but he was a guy that didn't know what to do. Aiko's friend came over to tell him to confront Kashi about Ricon's motives. Aiko decided she was right, it was time he confronted Kashi about this.
That night, when Kashi came home, happy and bubbly from the date, Aiko was in the kitchen waiting for her.
Hey honey, how was your dinner?” Aiko asked, trying to hide his disappointment.
Oh, it was okay!” Kashi answered with a bored voice, but her eyes were sparkling. “Why aren't you asleep?”
Because there is something very important I want to talk to you about, Kashi,” Aiko stopped for a moment. He strengthened himself and decided to just say it, “Kashi, don't you think we are drifting further away from each other?”
Seriously? I thought everything was fine. Why? What's wrong? Did something happen?” Kashi asked, the shine in her eyes dimming.
Well, yes Kashi. Something did go wrong. Worse than wrong. Something happened in our relationship that you haven't noticed, and that stops us from overcoming it.” Aiko said with all his courage.
Me? I didn't realize it? I thought you were the one who could not deal with problems. You see for most of our relationship I was always the one solving the problems that you created. So what did you do this time, huh?” Kashi angrily raised her voice.
I didn't do anything this time. It's you. It's your fault!” Aiko started yelling at her too. “Why does everything have to be my fault? What did I do wrong? I am not the one going out all night long with some other person that isn't my lover!”
Oh I see! So that's what it has come down to. Your jealousy against Ricon.” Kashi replied with a smirk. “If that’s the case, why didn't you say anything earlier?”
Well if I did, would you be happy? Wouldn't you get mad at me, like you are now, even if I did say something earlier? I didn't want you to be sad!” Aiko questioned her in desperation.
You know what, the one causing trouble in my life right now isn't Ricon. He has been a really nice guy. He is like me, and he’s not shy and distant like you. He is more a man than you will ever be! You're the core of my problems right now. I don't want to hear you ever complain about Ricon again!” Kashi screamed at the top of her lungs.
Oh, I get it now! So that's your true feelings after all huh?” Aiko had lost his temper. “Then fine! I will never talk about this again. Actually, I will never talk to you ever again! I'm leaving!”
Aiko stomped into his room and packed his bags. Kashi just stood there with her stern face and her arms crossed. She told herself she would never forgive him. Aiko left and slammed the door behind him. Kashi fell on her knees and wept.
It was a fair night in spring, the radiant moon was full, the winds were still dancing lightly across the surface of the earth, and yet everything was so gray in Aiko's eyes. How could it be like that, with a few harsh words it was all over? All the love they had known vanished? Aiko and Kashi were both depressed, their hearts breaking. They couldn't believe that everything they had fought for was gone, in the twinkling of an eye, in a rash moment. Now the thought of each other was so painful it seemed like it would destroy their souls.
Time passed. Kashi again started going out with Ricon. To her dismay, he turned out to dislike her. He was only interested when there was a competition to win her over. He used her, and then threw her away as if she had little worth. Kashi regretted her choice and was deeply saddened. The only hope she had now was perhaps one day a chance meeting with Aiko. She would hold on to that till it became a reality.
Summer had covered the earth with dancing sunlight, with a promise of dreams to come. That night the club was meeting again. Aiko and Kashi were both reluctant to attend the event, but something deep inside urged them to go. Aiko and Kashi followed their hearts and went to the meeting. As soon as their eyes met, they felt the love they had for each other swelling up inside of them. They wanted to run and hug each other again. Yet, they didn't want to go through the same painful experiences they had in the past.
Kashi, decided to take the initiative and walked up to Aiko, “Hey Aiko, long time no see! How have you been?”
I've been okay, not too bad. You?” Aiko replied with a blank look on his face. All he could do was stare at that beautiful girl he had once loved.
I'm still alive, you know. I guess that's good enough, right?” Kashi laughed, but her eyes were ready to burst into tears. “You know, things between Ricon and I haven’t been going well. We actually broke everything off. We didn't want to be with each other anymore. So...”
So, do you still love him?” Aiko asked, lowering his head to hide his sadness.
No, Aiko. No, not anymore! Not ever again!” Kashi answered in haste. She could sense the hurt in Aiko's words. “Oh, I miss you so much Aiko. You don't know how long I have waited to see you again. Is it okay, Aiko, for us to be good friends, like before?”
Like before, huh?” Aiko's mind was having flashbacks of the times they spent together, and he remembered how she had helped him to learn to live. “Well of course Kashi! It would be cool with me if you want us to be friends again.”
Kashi couldn't hide her tears anymore. She hugged Aiko tightly; happiness was rolling from inside her heart down her cheek. He was crying too, but silently, and with joy.
I, myself, pray that this time, after everything they have been through together, their friendship will last longer. What do you think? Do you think this time, Aiko can keep his lover, as a friend, forever?
Things like this can happen to anyone. If that person is you, then I advise you, the best opportunity that you can ever have in your life is a relationship with someone. Don't ever lose or hurt someone, cherish them and maybe your relationship will last long too. Good luck my friend, and don't ever let them go!

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