Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Girl who didn't Cherish Friendship

     I knew a girl awhile back, whom most would agree that she was quite cute and amiable. She had a rooster as a pet. Every morning, the rooster would crow:
Cock-a-doodle-doo! Wake up little one! The sun is shining and the earth is a live!”
     The rooster would rest by her side and would eat some grains out of her hand. It was a majestic rooster. Its shiny coat of feathers was vibrant with colors. Its beak shined in the sun a violet red. It truly was a rooster of royal blood.

     One day, the little girl spotted the hen of the lady next door. Wanting it for herself, she struck a deal:
Please give me your hen, and I'll bring you my rooster.”
     The rooster heard this and lost its voice out of misery. Yet nothing can be done, because the little girl already made up her mind.
     The neighbor agreed. So the little girl brought the new hen home and loved on it and took good care of it. She loved to stroke the Hen's soft, silky feathers; and the hen never forgot to lay an egg for its new friend everyday:
Cluckity Cluck! My dear little one! Eat my eggs so you may grow strong and healthy.”
     (Warning: Eating an egg per day has proven to be healthy. Yet it could have different side effects for different people.)
     So, beside all the (unknown) side effects, the little girl would eat an egg everyday. Then she would hold the hen in her arms, and petted its warm coat; as well as feeding the hen everyday.
     A while passed by, another woman across the street from the girl's house brought home some ducks. The little girl immediately took interest in one of them, and bargained with the woman:
Please let me trade my hen for one of your ducks.”
     Upon hearing the conversation, the hen became really sad. Its groomed coat got fumbled. However it could do nothing, the girl was determined.
     The girl became friend with the duck, and they would both go out to swim in the river. (Second warning: This is also not recommended! Some rivers weren't made to be used as swimming pool. Please contact with your local guide before you decide to go skinny – dipping in the Amazon). As they swam next to each other, the duck would cry in concern:
Quack! Quack! Little one! Don't swim too far. Swim near me so I may protect you.”
     The loyal duck would make sure that its owner was always safe, so it followed the little girl everywhere! (Goodness! This animal is starting to sound more like a dog).
     Once, when one of her relatives dropped by for a visit, he brought with him a new puppy. It was meant to be a present for the girl. The little girl squealed when she saw the cute furball, and she decided to give her relative her duck as an expression of gratitude. By now, you could probably guess that the duck tried to protest but it was useless, since the girl was stubborn and spoiled.
     That night, as the dog lay down beside the girl, she told the puppy:
My first pet was a rooster, but then I traded it for a hen. Later on, I traded that hen for a duck. Now, I traded that old duck for you, little one.”
     The dog whimpered in distaste. It jumped off the bed, went and hid in its doghouse. At night, when everything was still, (...Santa Clause dropped down the chimney...), the dog ingeniously picked the lock on the fence and ran away, whispering to himself:
I don't want to waste my time hanging out with someone who doesn't treasure friendship. I would rather stay in the pound with all the other dogs as company.”
     The next morning, the little girl woke up and found no friendly pets around her anymore. She was all abandoned in this lonely world.

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