Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Girl who didn't Cherish Friendship

     I knew a girl awhile back, whom most would agree that she was quite cute and amiable. She had a rooster as a pet. Every morning, the rooster would crow:
Cock-a-doodle-doo! Wake up little one! The sun is shining and the earth is a live!”
     The rooster would rest by her side and would eat some grains out of her hand. It was a majestic rooster. Its shiny coat of feathers was vibrant with colors. Its beak shined in the sun a violet red. It truly was a rooster of royal blood.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tale of the Red Cockscomb

     There was a time when hens still donned the same beautiful red combs as those arrogant roosters. One early morning, a hen woke up to the rising sun (as all hens still do nowadays; except, this hen had a name). Her name was... Hen! (Yes, very original name indeed.) Anyways, Hen was bobbing her way down to the pond for a morning dip when she caught her reflection. She noticed that her comb had grown like a blooming red flower, and was so thrilled that she started to make a song about it:
Cluckity Cluck
My comb has bloomed
I feel so groomed
Cluckity Cluck”